Part 4: The Good People of Langtree
Update 4 - The Good People of Langtree

Should I really just give up...?
No! Well, I mean... you could... but...
MUSIC: Mysterious Rainbow Girl
I believe in you, lil bard. I kinda didn't before, but now, seein your determination, I do. I think you can actually sing the Earthsong.

But how? If the Overseer won't help me...
There's 6 more, and each one's got a piece. So maybe,
Heck yea! Screw the cat dude!
And let's find the others.

... Where?
Shruuuuuug. One thing at a time, y'know? First you gotta deal with those ghosties back home. Ok I'm out, exit tree to your left.
If we head left, there is a tree that we can interact with. Let's exit, stage right, but tree left.
Ok so, the Overseer was a bust. But let's go see what we can do about those ghosts. Maybe something's changed with them.
MUSIC: Langtree
As we head through town, it seems to be deserted. Nobody's here... Maybe we should check out Ruby's cabin and see if anything's happening there??
Ah, the whole town is gathered outside Ruby's place. So what's going on here?
MUSIC: Langtree Spooky
Uh oh.
EYA ALMIGHTY. These things just don't quit!!!

You can do it, miss mayor!

Thanks Clyde
Wait, we can understand them now??


Hey wait!!!



That's swell!

I guess it's the same language the Dream King spoke in...

So then kid,
we could use a mighty fine favor from ya
We need ya to translate our ghost talk into music!

I can do that!


What in the sam hill is goin on...
Ok, listen close...
VIDEO: Good People of Langtree

Well I'll be! Pa, is that you?

Indeed it is.

Uh... He said yes.

Well don't I feel like a right fool... Of
course the spirits were of our own kin. And why would they care to hurt us? Guess that solves our ghost problem. In light 'a these events...

Kiddo! I'm makin you... the new mayor of Langtree!

Ya heard right. Today I coudln't do my job. And you could. My folks deserve a capable person to keep 'em safe. Simple as that.

Pardon me, Ms. Mayor, but... What are you talking about??

You're an excellent leader!

Remmeber the time Bronson's boy was lost in the woods?

Aye! Or the time Clyde got stuck in a tree?

Oh Clyde...

We're all proud to have you as our mayor.

The bardlet is nice, but also kind of a dope.

Most of our problems can't actually be solved by singing.
I'm on your side Bard, but uh, they've got a point. I mean, are you just going to sing when the pipes burst? You can't just sing pipes together!

Hmmm... After further consideration, I may'a been a bit hasty about that mayor thing.

That's okay!!! I think I'm going on an adventure, anyway!
It's time to begin our adventure! But uh, we don't know where to go or what we're even doing besides talk to the Overseers. Maybe we should just head home and get a nap in first?
Oh hey! It's you! How ya been?
MUSIC: Miriam

Hey! I saw that!! You were talking in the spirit language... Did you meet with the Overseer??


I KNEW IT!! Okay, listen up. You're coming with me. Hop on my broom!! (Whenever you're ready to go...)
We are in fact, NOT ready to go. As we still have more people to talk to. First of whom, being Miriam herself.

Huh?? I don't have time to talk! You wanna chat, do that with someone else! When you're ready to go, just JUMP ON! Hurry it up, will you! I swear to Eya, this whole town... Just a pile of lousy chatterboxes! Jump on my broom already! You wanna wait around until the world's ended already?? Jump on my broom and let's go!!!
I think... I think she's trying to tell us something. I can't place my finger on it though.
Ok, first up on our trip around the village: Ruby is closest, so let's start with her.
I knew it. He's just as annoying as always.
It's nice that he came back to see me. I missed you, you old idiot.
Awwww. Ruby finally lets show her kind heart.
I don't understand a thing he says now. He can sing, like he always used to. It's nice to hear now, since I missed him. But only because I missed him.
Hehe, Ruby still putting on the grumpy old lady act. It's ok, we know you're sweet now.
Let's head back into the village and see what the rest of the town has to say.

...Mom's back... I missed her a lot...

I'm scared... she'll go away again...

I still can't believe this spirt was Mary all along! Now that she's back, it's actually a bit creepy. I suppose things will never be quite as they once were.

When we had a moment alone, she drew close and wrapped her ghostly arms around me. They passed through me like air... I wasn't sure whether to be terrified, or touched. It's all hard for a guy like me to understand... But I'm grateful that she came back for us. When the boy does something wonderful... I can be proud with Mary, just like old times. We can't exactly talk, but I know she feels it.
I love this interaction with Bard and Bronson. Bronson comes off as a big ol meathead, but he's surprisingly thoughtful and caring. He also brings up a decent point, can you imagine a loved one coming back but being unable to understand them? You'd be grateful they're back, but it almost feels like a monkey paw wish.

Sometimes when I listen to her ghostly song, I swear I can start to hear meaning in it. Perhaps with time, I will!
I believe in you Bronson!
Let's mosey on over towards the mayor's home.

I betcha he knew just what he was doing, spooking Clyde's house like that, making a racket.

I love the mayor, though not in the same way Clyde does.

When he passed, I worried I'd never be a good mayor in his place. I'm glad he's back to see I am. He always said he wanted to see my wedding someday. I ain't got time for marriage. But heck, if I did, guess he'd be here to see it then.
If your father was the mayor before you, and you can just ordain a new mayor... this is a strange mayoral role this village has going on.
Anyway, let's
carefully talk to Clyde.

So one of the ghost was our last mayor... I quite liked him. But our living mayor is much better. She's really
something... Sigh... I wonder if she even notices little old me...
You are really lucky you hid the shrine to her well before she tried to save you from the ghost. That would have been awkward!
Last, but certainly not least, Francine and Marley have returned to their home!

Everyone's reunited with their loved ones... Most importantly, I have Francine home with me! So I'm happy!
Awww! Marley is just the best!

I just wonder if they were serious about the world ending... To be honest, I had a feeling it was so. The world ending, I mean. As if from a dream... It's just so much to take in. But if it's true, at least i have France with me.
It's interesting that no one else brought this up besides Marley. I guess the rest are too shocked by their loved ones returning to actually think about the fact that they said the world is ending.

Now that Ron is back, Ruby seems happier. Personally, I still find him a bit spooky as a ghost... I'd been so distracted helping Ruby, I've barely seen Marley... I'm grateful she's so understanding.
Ok! That's everyone in town! Let's jump on Miriam's broom and head off!

Hold on to your butt!!!
So ends Act 1! Next time, our adventure truly begins...